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A revolutionary platform that transforms traditional advertising spend into a vehicle for social good. With over 300 nonprofit partners and numerous brands on board, Myosin is reshaping how media and advertising dollars support the greater good. 

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Join other brands in deepening consumer connections through meaningful engagement.

the model

This model isn’t just good karma. it's good business. 

Brands using Marketing Reimagined by Myosin see a leap in loyalty, engagement, and conversions — surging click-through rates by over 500% and increasing conversion rates by 250%. All while slashing consumer acquisition costs.

Beyond numbers, it’s about building a legacy of positive change.

the process

Choose, target, engage.
 It’s that simple.

Marketing Reimagined redefines traditional ad spend, 
allowing you to allocate a portion of your budget to consumer-guided Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) efforts.


Choose your cause from a vast network of 300+ nonprofits, define your audience, and set your budget. We will then lay the groundwork for a campaign that’s as altruistic as it is effective.


Using sophisticated criteria, Myosin expertly matches your brand with an audience that’s demographically aligned and emotionally connected. This ensures the highest conversion rate possible.

We match audiences according to:

  • Demographics
  • Psychographics
  • Content
  • Consumption
  • Purchase Behaviors


We reach out to these aligned consumers through 100% compliant text messaging. Consumers receive a simple text message inviting them to take part in a noble cause. The message? Help us direct a portion of our advertising budget to a nonprofit of your choice.


Interested consumers are led to a landing page via a link in the text message. Consumers act by selecting a nonprofit to benefit from your donation, confirming their selection with their phone number. In turn, your brand and the nonprofit gather valuable lead data, enriching your CRM with contacts that share your values.


This isn’t where our journey ends. With the newly acquired opt-in lead data, brands can engage these consumers further. Through tailored text messaging sequences, brands offer special deals, discounts, and more, driving purchases and deepening consumer relationships.


Choose your cause from a vast network of 300+ nonprofits, define your audience, and set your budget. We will then lay the groundwork for a campaign that’s as altruistic as it is effective.


Using sophisticated criteria, Myosin expertly matches your brand with an audience that’s demographically aligned and emotionally connected. This ensures the highest conversion rate possible. 
We match audiences according to:
  • Demographics
  • Psychographics
  • Content Consumption
  • Purchase Behaviors


We reach out to these aligned consumers through 100% compliant text messaging. Consumers receive a simple text message inviting them to take part in a noble cause. The message? Help us direct a portion of our advertising budget to a nonprofit of your choice.


Interested consumers are led to a landing page via a link in the text message. Consumers act by selecting a nonprofit to benefit from your donation, confirming their selection with their phone number. In turn, your brand and the nonprofit gather valuable lead data, enriching your CRM with contacts that share your values.


This isn’t where our journey ends. With the newly acquired opt-in lead data, brands can engage these consumers further. Through tailored text messaging sequences, brands offer special deals, discounts, and more, driving purchases and deepening consumer relationships.

“Myosin consistently went above and beyond, and I truly appreciate all of their expertise and resulting success.”

Anthony Cospito

CMO, Jean-Michel Basquiat King Pleasure

the process

how it works


Choose your cause from a vast network of 250+ nonprofits, define your audience, and set your budget. We will then lay the groundwork for a campaign that’s as altruistic as it is effective.


Using sophisticated criteria, Myosin expertly matches your brand with an audience that’s demographically aligned and emotionally connected. This ensures the highest conversion rate possible. 
We match audiences according to:
  • Demographics
  • Psychographics
  • Content Consumption
  • Purchase Behaviors


We reach out to these aligned consumers through 100% compliant text messaging. Consumers receive a simple text message inviting them to take part in a noble cause. The message? Help us direct a portion of our advertising budget to a nonprofit of your choice.


Interested consumers are led to a landing page via a link in the text message. Consumers act by selecting a nonprofit to benefit from your donation, confirming their selection with their phone number. In turn, your brand and the nonprofit gather valuable lead data, enriching your CRM with contacts that share your values.


This isn’t where our journey ends. With the newly acquired opt-in lead data, brands can engage these consumers further. Through tailored text messaging sequences, brands offer special deals, discounts, and more, driving purchases and deepening consumer relationships.

our difference

By the numbers.

Enter your marketing spend and AOV in the calculator below to see the Marketing Reimagined difference.

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Frequently asked questions

Marketing Reimagined is a revolutionary platform offered by Myosin that transforms traditional advertising spend into a vehicle for social good. By partnering with over 250 nonprofits, Myosin enables brands to allocate a portion of their advertising budget to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives guided by consumer choice. In return, brands gain access to a highly engaged and values-aligned audience, opening up new opportunities for targeted marketing and deeper customer relationships.

The process involves five key steps:

  1. Selection: Brands partner with Myosin to identify preferred nonprofits, target audience, and budget. 
  2. Matching: Myosin matches the brand with an aligned audience based on demographics, psychographics, content consumption, purchase behaviors, and emotional connection.
  3. Engagement: Consumers are invited via text message to help direct a portion of the brand’s advertising budget to a nonprofit of their choice. 
  4. Action: Interested consumers select their preferred nonprofit on a landing page, confirming their choice with their phone number. A donation is made, and both the brand and nonprofit gain valuable lead data. 
  5. Follow-up: Brands can further engage consumers using the newly acquired opt-in lead data through tailored text messaging sequences, offering special deals and discounts to drive purchases and deepen relationships.

By integrating philanthropy into your marketing strategy, you can:

  • Enhance brand loyalty and engagement
  • Increase click-through rates by over 500%
  • Boost conversion rates by more than 250%
  • Reduce customer acquisition costs
  • Strengthen consumer relationships by involving them in CSR initiatives
  • Gain access to new leads and marketing opportunities


Myosin currently partners with over 300 nonprofits, providing a wide range of causes for consumers to support.

Brands using Myosin have experienced:

  • Over 500% increase in click-through rates
  • More than 250% boost in conversion rates
  • Significant reduction in acquisition costs

Marketing Reimagined offers a straightforward and transparent pricing structure to deliver guaranteed results. Here’s a summary of the costs:

Monthly Platform Fee ($1,500): This fee includes several critical services to launch and maintain your campaign effectively. Services covered under this fee are:

  • Campaign launch and setup.
  • Customized audience selection using detailed demographics, psychographics, content consumption patterns, and purchase behaviors to tailor campaigns specifically for your brand.
  • Development and execution of copy and content strategy.
  • Nurture cycle text marketing campaigns post-donations to engage and retain new leads.
  • Continuous monthly campaign maintenance.
  • Comprehensive data management and access to our full suite of platform services.

Initial Data Set Cost ($1,000): This one-time fee covers acquiring an initial data set of 50,000 to 100,000 records tailored to the complexity and specificity needed to target the right audience and ensure optimal campaign performance for your brand.

Minimum Campaign Budget ($10,000): A minimum budget is essential to secure the results we guarantee. This budget covers your donation budget and text marketing campaign expenses.

Key Notes:

  • Transparent Pricing: No hidden fees; our costs are upfront for informed budgeting.
  • Guaranteed Results: We stand behind our promise of delivering guaranteed results. Our structured approach and comprehensive service offerings are tailored to ensure the success of your campaign.
  • ROI Calculator: We offer an ROI calculator to further support your decision-making process. This tool is designed to help you understand the potential return on investment and offer insights into the value and effectiveness of your marketing spend with us.

Marketing Reimagined requires a minimum budget of $10,000 to secure the guaranteed results. This investment includes your donation budget and text marketing campaign expenses. To understand your potential return on investment, utilize our ROI calculator for detailed insights.

The setup time is typically two weeks. However, this timeline varies depending on the client approval process, the complexity of your brand’s requirements, and the chosen nonprofits. Myosin’s experienced team works efficiently to launch campaigns as quickly as possible, typically within a few weeks.

 Yes, brands can select their preferred nonprofits from an extensive network of over 300 partners. The Myosin team will guide you through the selection process to ensure the best fit for your brand and target audience.

Text marketing outreach is compliant because it leverages the unique legal provisions that allow nonprofits to send text messages without requiring explicit opt-ins, similar to the exemptions granted to political parties. By partnering with nonprofit organizations, Myosin ensures that the text messages are sent through these partners, maintaining full compliance with applicable regulations.

Please note: While explicit opt-ins are not required, Myosin and its partners adhere to best practices in messaging content, frequency, and opt-out instructions, respecting consumer preferences. When consumers engage with text messages and choose to support a nonprofit, they actively engage in a relationship with the nonprofit and the associated brand, creating a foundation for further communication in line with their expectations. By leveraging the unique legal landscape for nonprofit text messaging and focusing on user choice and transparency, Myosin ensures compliant and effective text marketing outreach that benefits brands and supports charitable causes.

Text messaging has significantly higher open rates compared to other marketing channels. On average, text messages have an open rate of 98%, with 90% of messages being read within 3 minutes of receipt. This high level of engagement makes text messaging a highly effective way to reach and interact with consumers.

Text messaging outperforms email outreach in several key areas:

  • Open rates: Text messages have an average open rate of 98%, while email open rates are typically around 20%.
  • Response rates: Text messages have an average response rate of 45%, compared to email’s average response rate of 6%.
  • Timeliness: 90% of text messages are read within 3 minutes of receipt, while emails may take hours or days to be opened.

To measure the impact and results of our campaigns, we begin with integrating Google Analytics (GA) for comprehensive tracking. This allows us to monitor website traffic, user behavior, and conversion metrics directly related to the campaign. Following this, we employ a sales match back technique within a data cleanroom environment. This process involves comparing the campaign’s audience data with actual sales data in a secure and privacy-compliant manner. By doing so, we can accurately attribute sales and conversions to the marketing efforts, providing a clear picture of the campaign’s effectiveness and ROI. This approach ensures that we measure results in a way that’s both precise and respects user privacy.

Myosin achieves these results through strategic partnerships with text marketing, data management industry leaders, and global nonprofits. These partners provide the technology and expertise necessary to execute highly targeted, compliant, and effective text marketing campaigns. By leveraging these partnerships, Myosin can focus on creating meaningful connections between brands, consumers, and nonprofits, while ensuring a seamless and impactful experience for all parties involved.

Your brand name does not have to appear in the text messages, but your brand logo and messaging will appear on the donation page, showing your brand as the clear sponsor and ensuring consumers know who is behind the donation.

There are two ways to get started:

  1. Simply click this link to … The team will work closely with you to understand your brand’s goals, target audience, and budget, and will guide you through the process of launching your Marketing Reimagined campaign.
  2. Join our weekly webinar to learn more about how your brand can benefit from Marketing Reimagined.

The future of marketing is now.

Join us in deepening brand-consumer connections through meaningful engagement, where your advertising spend becomes a powerful force for change.

Where Data meets Artistry.
New York | Austin | Los Angeles | San Francisco

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